Welcome to my music video blog,
displayed below is all the planning and experiments that were entailed to achieve my successful music video.

Monday 8 November 2010

Digi-Pak Training

We had a Photoshop programme workshop to help us increase our skills so we can end up with a perfect digi-pak and magazine ad.
I learnt many key things like; sorting out layers, inversing images, adding text, using the tools and all this will benefit me in creating a professional finish. 

I used random pictures just to experiment with the layout of the digi-pak , how to import the photos, inverse them and crop them without making them pixalated.

I continued the same method for the following 4 panels. The top middle one is where the CD would be placed and the bottom middle panel is where the track list would be.

I made this picture black and white, I really like the lights in this shot and want to achieve something similar to this for our own digi-pak.

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