Welcome to my music video blog,
displayed below is all the planning and experiments that were entailed to achieve my successful music video.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Philip Bloom

I researched more into photography and famous photographers coming across Philip Bloom, a very well known and successful photographer/ film maker.
I used these sites to look deeper into what he does and what I can learn from him

His Blog helped hugely, to understand what he does and give me tips and an insight to his work which could also, help me with my art course project.
Philip Bloom started by creating personal short films and sharing his experiences of shooting them, this then slowly became a resource for people to learn about low budget filmmaking.

He is very interactive, displaying his videos, pictures, an ethic statement about him and what he does in an informal way connects the audience to him. As he replies to people via twitter and emails, people can get to know more about film making and get tips and pointers on how to break into this focus of the media world.

A lot of his Blog posts are to do with reviews of new cameras and video cameras (DSLR), promoting Zacuto products, tutorials and his new creations.
I found Philip Bloom very interesting and know if I were to have any troubles his Blog could help me, I could contact him to get more of an experience or watch his productions and use them as influences.

A short film of a fish tank, shot at 60p conformed to 24p and using the Canon 100mm F2.8L IS macro using a 7D
As the water... from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

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