Welcome to my music video blog,
displayed below is all the planning and experiments that were entailed to achieve my successful music video.

Sunday 17 October 2010


Gwen Stefani and Madonna are the main influences of the look and style in our music video, they are also similar to P!nk's look reflecting on our artists characteristics of the quirky and funky style.
The exciting, wild hairstyle and make-up of Gwen and Madonna are very overpowering and we want to try and portray this in our artist.

However, this style would only be for bad-girl working stereotypically and to contrast with the good-girl.

The good girl, just has minimal make-up and an everyday, normal hairstyle much like Selena Gomez to illustrate a modern take of girls trying to be natural.
The contrast between the two are stereotypical but make the storyline more obvious and interesting to watch.

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