Welcome to my music video blog,
displayed below is all the planning and experiments that were entailed to achieve my successful music video.

Saturday 16 October 2010

Make-up and Hair Ideas

Good-Girl Look

Make-up: I decided to keep it natural, to give her a serene, innocent look which is a complete contrast to the bad-girls fierce look.

Hair: I wanted to make it look like an everyday hair style girls would to do for school or uni, a very clean finish. Not anything to OTT as this character is just trying to move forward in her studies and she cant really impress any boys.

Bad-Girl Look
Make-up: This characters look is totally different and more wild, I experimented with dark make-up; overpowering eye liner and over the top fake eyelashes also, red lipstick to connote danger.

I tried different styles, but we chose to go for the 3rd hairstyle.

Hair: A wacky, crazy hairstyle would work with this character to show she is just evil, doesn't care about others opinions and just expresses herself through her loud, quirky style.

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