Welcome to my music video blog,
displayed below is all the planning and experiments that were entailed to achieve my successful music video.

Saturday 16 October 2010

On Set - Lip syncing End Scene

We filmed this scene in the TV studio, I think this was the easiest scene to shoot as I just had to sing, sitting in one seat on a black background.
The t-shirts with writing on made this scene, as it just summed up the problems and issues everyday people as well as celebrities go through, so the good girl could still go into becoming an artist even if she has had issues in the past.
The lighting in this scene was very important, to keep the background a solid black and have almost a spot light just on me was vital to make that mystery, depressed mood come across.

We want to create an unusual effect/transition on this section so people can focus on the confusion state of the character as well as the connotation of the t-shirts.

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