Welcome to my music video blog,
displayed below is all the planning and experiments that were entailed to achieve my successful music video.

Thursday 30 September 2010


After listening to the song and the lyrics, we decide it would be best suited to do a narrative music video.
Our music video would entail the modern world about a young girl trying to get on with her life tackling alcohol and drugs which almost ruined her life before.
We see her trying to battle through; working and living life drug and alcohol free, but her past is haunting her and trying to revert her to her old, messed up self, so we see a good side and evil side of the same girl.

Our storyline plays on the lyrics and I believe it would be interesting for people to watch, as its almost like a 3minute film, also, our target audience could maybe relate to the lyrics as these problems are common in youth these days.

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